Today She Wept

I recently started officially working as a spiritual independent contractor again. This after a long hiatus due to the death of my husband in 2013 and then suffering a crushed vertebra in 2015. I had surgery in 2016 on the injured vertebra. Today I sat with no clients, but had been told by Spirit that I would help a woman. I waited. A friend of a fellow healer called and asked if we had a room open so the fellow healer could spend time there. Her husband had died that morning. My new healing room had been her healing room. I told the owner my room was free and I would remove my personal items so the request could be fulfilled in a room the new widow would be comfortable in. Myself and three other healers comforted the new widow, brought in healing energy and the presence of many angels. Today spirit said I would help a woman and I was honored to do so.

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