Does that crack bleed?


My 5 year old grandson was observing my 61 year old big toe. He asked me if that big crack  bleeds on the pad of my toe. I just kind of looked at him for a second.

No, it does not bleed.

Does it hurt?

No, it does not hurt.

But, it’s a big crack, Gramma. It’s gotta hurt.

I had to explain that I have old feet. I have walked on these feet for many years. I am usually barefoot. Gramma’s feet have calluses. Places where the skin is harder and sometimes between the soft skin and the hard skin a wrinkle forms.

He couldn’t wrap his head around that explanation.

Are you sure it doesn’t hurt?

No, it doesn’t hurt. Wrinkles don’t hurt, but thanks for caring enough to ask.



Today She Wept

I recently started officially working as a spiritual independent contractor again. This after a long hiatus due to the death of my husband in 2013 and then suffering a crushed vertebra in 2015. I had surgery in 2016 on the injured vertebra. Today I sat with no clients, but had been told by Spirit that I would help a woman. I waited. A friend of a fellow healer called and asked if we had a room open so the fellow healer could spend time there. Her husband had died that morning. My new healing room had been her healing room. I told the owner my room was free and I would remove my personal items so the request could be fulfilled in a room the new widow would be comfortable in. Myself and three other healers comforted the new widow, brought in healing energy and the presence of many angels. Today spirit said I would help a woman and I was honored to do so.



Tonight we talk about the living person who is a Lost Soul. How to recognize one, deal with one, why they are a Lost Soul and whether a Lost Soul wants your help or not. Also tonight Nancy answers a question about Soul Tribes. What they are, different names they go by and the purpose they serve.



Today Nancy will be talking about the Soul Loss. How to know you are suffering from soul loss and is there anything you can do for yourself if you feel you have soul loss.



After almost 2 years on a personal hiatus, Nancy Zilversmit, the host of Outside the Box is back on the air March 11, 2015 to share stories, adventures with Spirit and various subject matter of the spiritual, paranormal and metaphysical events in the known and unknown world. This week she has some email, Facebook, and text questions she will answer on the air and will touch on some of the matters of recent manifestations that she has been experiencing. Sometimes letting go opens the doors for Manifestation. The show is both audio and podcast to YouTube immediately after airing live.



Why would 100% positive not always work? I believe it is so, so it is! I hear this a lot from those who believe that the 100% does work all the time. They just are in denial. Even they have their doubts, but do not want to admit it, even to themselves. Then, one day they wake up and wonder why what they were trying to manifest was just not happening. Not even close.

They will whine, “The Universe did not give me what I wanted!” (whine…whine…sniffle)

Well, honey, I hate to break it to you, but maybe the Universe was not in alignment with your wishes cause you didn’t get up and move your butt.

Part of the problem is they were just sitting there meditating in front of that vision board thinking if they did that enough what they wanted will drop out of the sky and into their lap. Brings visuals of the house spinning down from the sky and killing the Wicked Witch of the East in the Wizard of OZ. Be careful what you ask for.

The person asking for the manifestation never took that step forward to get things in motion and the actions that go with it. It’s called “Doing the WORK”. This is discussed in Manifestation Part 1 – Upside Your Head. Sometimes it is more than just doing the work. There are barriers. Sometimes, they are small barriers that require just require a small amount of work to do so you can move on towards your manifestation goal. Just do it! Get it done and out of your way. Dissolve that barrier with your actions. Do the work and be done with it. Take time to feel good about yourself afterwards too. That is important.

What if the barriers seem like you are looking at the Wall of China? Break it down into doable portions. What makes up your barrier? Let’s take a look at some of the possibilities.

  • Emotional ownership. Own your own emotions. Know the difference between what is yours and what is someone else’s. You can listen to other’s stories and experiences with compassion, but do not take on the burden of another’s emotions. You can sympathize, but when you go on with your own life leave those emotions behind. They are not yours. Misery loves company, but don’t take misery home with you.
  • Cultural pressure. Because of religious, ethnic, social reasons we may be holding ourselves back because of what others opinions are about our possible manifestations. You know these. You have to decide and have the courage to either balance or walk away from these pressures.                       “We expected so much more of/for you.”
    “We don’t do things that way.”
    “We don’t believe in that, why do you? How could you?”
    “You are suppose to become (fill in space). It’s what we want.”
    “You are not one of us anymore if you do this”
  • Force of will. Being pressured into something by others causing self doubt, low self esteem, the feeling of being controlled, negative projection of another being forced on you. These examples of the force of will are extremely toxic to your mental and emotional being. Rid yourself of these toxic relationships. You will be able to breath much easier and it will feel as if a weight has been lifted off your back
  • Fear of attracting misfortune. First off, you are trying to manifest good things. So why are you in fear? Fear is crippling and creating something imagined in the future in your mind. You should stay focused on the work and not waste time in the imagined fear of the future. What you are working on in the present moment is real. Fear is not.
  • Emotional denial. Sometimes we have so much invested in the positive of life that we forget there is some other emotional junk that we have been dragging around and need to let go of. In other words, losing to ultimately gain. We have become our own barrier. Don’t point the finger elsewhere as the cause. Accept the responsibility and clean it up. This may be something you can do yourself or you may have to help from others. It is not something to be ashamed of. It is not something to push back into your emotional closet. It remains within you until you truly release it. Emotional denial may include anger, ego, greed, depression, insecurity, fear and the need of forgiveness of self or others. Accept. Get help. Release in layers if necessary.

Remember, with manifestation 100% positive does not always work to get what you want. There may be barriers large and small. Work through dissolving those barriers a piece at a time. You will get there if you keep focus. If you are sidetracked by a barrier, then stop and re-evaluate where you are. Focus on where you want to go. Start again and continue the work towards that which you are aiming to manifest. It can take time, but you can do it!


At the beginning of a new year and like every other year you hear people going on about resolutions. Things they want to lose or swear off or end. Resolutions that are mostly broken before 1/12 of the year has ended. That minus from you life. Mostly dead on contact resolutions or resolutions you dabbled with just enough to get your fingers dirty and decide you weren’t going to go there because it was too much work to subtract something out of your life. So, you give up.

You are not good at subtraction. What about addition? The other flip side of the coin. The one everyone wants. Addition of stuff, people, money, relationships, more stuff. Good stuff. Positive stuff. We are a world of accumulating stuff.

It’s called MANIFESTATION. It’s not always a good thing even when we think it is. Sometimes it will just leave you with a lot more crap you will have to make a resolution for next year to get rid of. All that stuff you tore out of magazines and glued to your vision board.

I am not a fan of vision boards. I abhor the wasting of time going thru magazines looking for pictures and words. It’s like a group gossip session with ripping sounds, then the slathering of glue on construction paper or cardboard that you are suppose to hang somewhere so it stares you in the face daily. This with praying, chanting or putting your desires out to the Universe that you deserve all the stuff in the pictures, then wondering why nothing is happening.

Let us step back away from this a minute and take a look at the word MANIFEST. It comes from the Latin word manufestus. From manus (“hand”) + festus the participle of fendere (“strike”).

The dictionary meaning (Websters 1851) is: the act of disclosing what is secret, unseen or obscure. Discovery in the eye or understanding. The exhibition of anything by clear evidence or display. Made clear, evident, obvious or apparent.

Hmmm…so literally, this word MANIFEST can be interpreted as you wanting to see or understand the obvious, but it may require being struck upside your head by someone’s hand.


Here is that clear enough for you?

Sometimes it takes something big for a person to get the idea. Let’s take a look at an ancient story from the Bible. No one can just see God. God has to manifest to be seen. The act of disclosing the unseen. Discovery in the eye or understanding. The exhibition of anything by clear evidence or display. Made clear, evident, obvious or apparent.

Moses saw God as a burning bush. The bush talked to him and declared itself to be God. This was God’s manifestation. A great honor. Moses was literally struck upside the head with this manifestation. The manifestation of God required that Moses had work to do.

Moses had long before desired, set intention, that his people be freed from slavery. Intention sets forth another whole cycle. A double manifestation. One manifestation by God, who told Moses he was going to get his manifestation of freedom for his people, but there was something Moses had to do. God then set forth for Moses WORK that needed to be done. With the work done, and several more manifestations to convince the Pharaoh to let the people go, Moses got what he wanted.

So. Moses did not just get what he wanted dropped in his lap. He had to take the steps and DO THE WORK. He did not know it was going to be as monumental as it turned out to be. He did not know it was going to be a lifetime of work to get his people to their Promised Land, which he himself would not step foot in. It was work, sweat and tears. It did not come easy. It was work. Something many modern people seem to be allergic to. Doing the work. Sometimes that work is in stages and develops into something more. It is not just a vision board. It is much more.

So what is it? I can give you a few guidelines. Your personal journey with manifesting may have more or maybe even less steps. Remember these are only guidelines.

1. Set the intention of bringing forth an idea or desire. Intention gets the ball rolling, but it does more than that.

2. Something Greater than you listens. Be it the Universe, God, Goddess, angels or others and there are a vast number of “others” in the spectrum. Have trust, faith and respect for that something Greater.

3. Be careful what you ask for. If you ask for a new car and not exactly how you will get it, remember, something Greater than you listens.

4. Be SPECIFIC. Put some boundaries on how and what you are wanting. If you are not specific there may be a price to pay you had not counted on.

5. The manner in which it happens may not be the way you would have had it happen…but it happens. I once had a friend who did this. She had no money to buy a new car. She was not specific as to how it would procured. She did not set boundaries. She ended up in a car accident and totaled her old car. Her insurance got her a new car. There was a price that had to be paid for that intention. She did not escape unscathed from the car accident and needed medical attention and therapy for some time afterwards. Re-read 3 & 4.

6. You have set the intention and now you have to take a step forward to achieve that intention. Sometimes it requires many steps. It’s called doing the work. WORK. If you think that is a dirty word, then know you will end up paying a price. It’s better to do the work. Just get off your fricken ass and do it.

7. When you do the work you need to stay on top of things. Respond to every action and reaction ASAP. Don’t procrastinate or dawdle. If you do then you will miss opportunities that are thrown your way. RESPOND.

8. What are you willing to do for this intention to manifest? Remember it’s called work for a reason. Somebody has to do it. Your intention. Your work. Plain and simple. It may mean you have to rearrange your life and make changes. So make them and don’t whine about it. How bad do you want it?

9. Are your ready for that manifestation of your intention to happen? Hang on cowboy/cowgal. It may happen smooth as a Tennessee Walker horse or as wild as a bucking bronco. It may take some time or it may happen very quickly.

10. Make sure you give your thanks and gratitude to that something Greater and to anyone on the physical plane who may have helped you on this project. You never know when you may need to set another intention for manifestation.

Don’t let them write your life for you.

Every now and then Yeshua (Jesus) allows me a view into what his life was really like during his time. He makes comments about how the doctrines and practices shape the belief system of how people perceive his life. Though in fact he does not recognize his life as it is written. He has voiced this complaint to me many times.

Today he lead me out on the internet in a search for the high points in his life as written in the bible and search for parallels in other religions. I was amazed at the results.

Yeshua said, “ They rewrote my life to fit into a particular pattern that would be acceptable to the people. More familiar to the people. There has been criteria that ‘Saviors’ and ‘Messiahs’ have been made to fit into whether it was true or not.  One or two items on the list might actually be true about the person, including me, but the rest of it was borrowed from this criteria list.”

He went on to say, “My life as depicted is not my life. Some of the miracles are intact that are about the healings and exorcisms. Some of the teachings are intact although not complete. Many of these things have been changed or embellished.”

He then stopped talking for a moment and took both my hands and leaned his face down to mine and said, “Write your stories of your life experiences while you are still living. Publish them and get enough copies of it out to the people. Do not let them do to you what they did to me.  Do not let them rewrite who you are and what you did in your life. You need to break the belief pattern, the ‘Savior’ and ‘Messiah’ pattern.”

Then he stressed. “ You need to be remembered as Mother wishes you to be remembered, not how man wishes to create your life for you.”

I looked back at him and stated, “ Well, the pattern breaking has already started off on the right foot then,” I paused as he looked at me and then I continued, “ I am not male.”



Watch out! An Angel is driving.

Having conversations with my angels and other guardian spirits is not unusual for me, but the other day one stepped into body while I was driving. He was one of my more familiar angels and he liked driving the car with me.

He said, “ I have a story to tell you today.”

“Ok. Go ahead,” I responded while feeling his energy both through me and around me. He was definitely driving today.

“Those like myself help to guide people through their lives. Sometimes it is like when you drive your car. Except in our realm we are the drivers. We have a hold of the steering wheel. We try and guide people thru their life. We help them out and keep them on their path during this time.” He paused for a moment and then went on as I listened.

“Some people have strong egos or are influenced by other people. These are the people who at times need us to grab a hold of the steering wheel firmly to straighten them out.  Sometimes, they fight it so hard that they cause themselves to crash into a wall. A few of them we are able to divert away from the wall before they crash. Others are allowed to crash because they are so set in their path of destruction, it is the only way they are able to change direction and head in the right direction.”

I interrupted here. “What if they do not change direction?”

“Then they are allowed to back up and go forward again and again into that wall until they either get tired, get stuck or get other help by asking for it,” he said. “Sometimes it takes what you call a tow truck to pick them up and move them. That would be a whole group of us.”

I could feel him grin and then suddenly get serious again.

“ Some people we can steer through life using both hands, but a much lighter grip. They pay attention a bit better than others. Some only need to be guided with one hand, but those who bring us great joy and who communicate with us only need one finger on the steering wheel to guide them,” He concluded.

About that time I arrived at my destination and parked the car. I thought about what had been said for a moment and knew he was waiting for the question.

“Which one am I?” I asked.

“You have been all of them. You have improved as time has gone on. It is as it should be.” With this he let go of the steering wheel and the energy of his presence faded. The lesson was over.


Pure Karma

In a shadowy room the morning sunshine was trying to break through the cracks between a pair of badly hung blankets draped over a curtain rod. The room was in disarray. The closet was overloaded with clothing so much that it looked like it had vomited the contents out across the floor. The room smelled of a musky body odor from the clothes that were in need of laundering. Mixed in was the smell of incense meant to hide the stench.

The sound of two people snoring emanated from the bed. One snorted in the middle of a snore so loud that she woke herself up. Slowly emerging from under the blankets she yawned and then groaned. Even the action of yawning hurt her head. She sat on the edge of the bed for a few minutes just holding her head in her hands and trying to get her bearings enough to stand up.

A rush of nausea and a bursting bladder sent her into a sudden lurch for the bathroom. Pulling down her underwear and plopping her butt down on the toilet gave her bladder permission to let forth a steady stream of urine.

She grabbed the trashcan next to the toilet and vomited loudly into it finishing with a couple of dry heaves and a loud belch. Grabbing the toilet paper she pulled off a large wad and wiped her mouth and threw it in the trashcan. With another wad of toilet paper she wiped the urine from her underside, got up and kicked off her underwear tossing it with her foot into a pile of dirty laundry on the floor of the bathroom.

The person in the bed was still snoring and oblivious to what had occurred in the bathroom. Satisfied, she closed the bathroom door and picked up a toothbrush and toothpaste. Squeezing a stripe of paste on her toothbrush she shoved it in her mouth and cleaned her teeth. The ritual ended with a spit in the sink and a swish and spit of water tinged slightly with blood.

Sniffing her armpits she then took off her tank top and reached into the shower and turned on the water. She ran a quick brush through her hair and stepped into the refreshing water.

In the bedroom the occupant of the bed got up and looked at the alarm clock.

“Shit!” he grumbled and got up and quickly found his clothes. Stumbling around he managed to get dressed. Near the door was an open purse. He went over to it. Looking first to the bathroom door he could hear the water of the shower running. He rifled through the purse and pulled out a wallet. There was a twenty and a few one-dollar bills in it. He snatched the money and threw the wallet down next to the purse and ran out the door slamming it behind him.

The slam of the door reverberated through the thin walls of the apartment.

“Sam?” The woman yelled from the shower. No answer. She shut off the shower and grabbed the tattered robe off the back of the door and ran out into the bedroom. A quick scan told her Sam was no longer here. She quickly moved toward the entry door and noticed her purse was on its side and the open wallet next to it. She looked in the wallet. Empty.

“Son of a bitch!” She said under her breath.

She opened the front door to an empty hallway. Slamming the door she ran to the bedroom and threw open the sliding door while grabbing a flowerpot with a dead unidentifiable plant in it.

Down on the street below was Sam just getting into a cab.

“Sam!” she screamed at him. He looked up and quickly moved into the cab.

“You thief! Don’t ever come back here!” with those words she flung the flowerpot at him. It smashed into the street as the cab rushed away.

Across the street a group of teenagers in jeans and t-shirts start catcalling and wolf whistling at her. She suddenly realized her robe was opened. She brazenly looked at the boys and grabbed both sides of her robe and flashed them. She then closed her robe, flipped a birdie at them and went back inside her apartment slamming the sliding door shut.

One of the blankets had fallen off the curtain rod and sunlight streamed across the floor and hit a shiny silver object. She went over and picked it up. A smile came over her face and then a chuckle. It was Sam’s new iPhone.  She pulled the back off and removed the battery.

“Don’t need you to using a GPS program to locate this baby.” She said to herself.

Walking back over to her purse she dug around and found her phone and made a call.

“Hey, how you been? I need to sell a new iPhone. Can you move it for me? Sure, see you in an hour. Bye.” With that she closed her own flip phone and put it back in her purse. Crossing over to the kitchen she located a zip baggy and sealed the iPhone in it and took it back to her purse and threw it in.

“Karma is a bitch,” she yelled out loud. “Pure karma.”

With that said, she headed back to the bedroom in search of something that would be clean enough to wear.

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